#slitaz 2014-04-13
[02:42] dsyahputera: TuxBot: help
[02:42] dsyahputera: TazBot: help
[02:42] TazBot: I can answer any question directed at me (by putting "TazBot:" before the question) that falls within my answers database (use "TazBot: topics" to see them). I can also answer questions containing topics ("TazBot: How do I become root?"). You can also ask me questions in private: "/msg TazBot topics".
[02:42] dsyahputera: TazBot: topics
[02:42] TazBot: Topics: What is SliTaz, Install Packages, Update SliTaz, Become Root, LiveUSB, Low Ram, Compile Programs, Convert Packages, Base distro, Screen resolution, Video driver, Pastebin, SliTaz flavors, SliTaz ARM, Source code, Wifi, 3G, Qemu networking, Compose key, Linux tips, Kernel version, Skype, Xchat, Firefox, Opera, Flash, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, Office Alternative, vnc, frugal install, tazusb, time, Mailing list, screensaver, Drivers, mp3,
[02:42] TazBot: logo of slitaz, slitaz fan spiderman, end is up, is this on debian, is slitaz based on debian, is slitaz debian, is it based on debian, is it possible to run slitaz on, will slitaz run on, way to install base, can base only, way base only, is there base only, can i install just, programming threads, how persistant, how keep changes, before you know it the bot will replace us all, change language, change keyboard layout, drive not found, how sto
[02:42] TazBot: xorg, repository, repositories, edit code, editing code, request packages, request new package, remaster, where is trixar, Who is Trixar, hybrid iso, isos hybrid, iso hybrid, translate, i8n, Installing SliTaz, Install SliTaz, crap, xyzzy, man pages, undigest
[02:43] dsyahputera: TazBot: LiveUSB
[02:43] TazBot: dsyahputera: Most LiveUSB creation software (like Unetbootin) will have trouble using the default 4-in-1 LiveCD iso, so please use the Core iso instead. See: SliTaz flavors
[02:44] dsyahputera: TazBot: Install SliTaz
[02:44] TazBot!~tazbot@li618-159.members.linode.com PRIVMSG #slitaz :dsyahputera: Use SliTaz Panel's install function to install SliTaz to your HDD. If you're having some trouble, please read http://doc.slitaz.org/en:handbook:installation and http://doc.slitaz.org/en:guides:uncommoninst for more help: dsyahputera: Use SliTaz Panel's install function to install SliTaz to your HDD. If you're having some trouble, please read http://doc.slitaz.org/en:handbook:installation and http://doc.slitaz.org/en:guides:uncommoninst for more help!
[02:44] TazBot: You May have to boot the iso using "core kmap=us lang=en_US" (without the ") from the command line option in cd boot menu to make it boot without blank screens after the selection boxes.
[02:47] dsyahputera: TazBot: SliTaz flavors
[02:47] TazBot: dsyahputera: http://mirror.slitaz.org/iso/stable/flavors/
[18:37] tux__: I need a little help, just installed SliTaz to hard drive, user name & password on login on fresh boot from hard drive is what? Second problem is registerng on forum, can not register as captcha does not show after completing form?
[19:38] tux__: Hello?
[20:38] tux_: Rebooted and default password worked this time. Sorry for the bother.