#slitaz 2014-01-22
[06:55] sujx: can i install plymouth for my slitaz??
[06:56] sujx: how can i make it work
[07:37] sujx: can i install plymouth for my slitaz?? how can i make it work??
[16:10] pankso: No plymouth but you can have a graphical boot with Busybox fbsplash: fbsplash --help
[16:11] pankso!~pankso@spfwsaiar01.securepop.ch PRIVMSG #slitaz :That said fbsplash need to be include in boot scripts, so it's quiet a lot of work: That said fbsplash need to be include in boot scripts, so it's quiet a lot of work!
[19:37] Trixar_za: And has a nice tendency to break SliTaz's boot